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Monday, August 26, 2019

These Will be the Toyotas You Will See at the 2020 Olympics

As a worldwide partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Toyota Motor Corporation announced that they’ll be providing a full line-up of electrified vehicles, including unique versions of certain vehicles as well as vehicles developed specifically to support the Tokyo 2020 games. With this, the aim is to achieve the lowest emissions target level of any official fleet used at the Olympic and Paralympic Games ever.

Toyota will provide a total of around 3,700 mobility products and/or vehicles for Tokyo 2020. The majority, or nearly 90 percent, of the official vehicle fleet will be electrified. Electrified vehicles include Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV), such as the hydrogen-powered Mirai, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV), the Prius PHV, and Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV), including the “APM” (Accessible People Mover), and the e-Palette as well as TOYOTA Concept-i, which will provide a unique and wide-range of diverse mobility during Tokyo 2020. Among the electrified vehicles provided, Toyota will include approximately 500 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles and 850 Battery Electric Vehicles, the largest of any fleet for a Games to date.

Out of the approx. 3,700 mobility products and/or vehicles for Tokyo 2020, 2,700 vehicles will be part of the official fleet providing transportation support between venues during the Olympic Games. These will be commercially-available vehicles, such as the fuel cell Mirai. Preliminary calculations suggest that the carbon dioxide emitted by the commercially-available fleet for Tokyo 2020 will average less than 80 g/km, resulting in a reduction by half of the typical amount when compared to a similar sized fleet of mostly conventional gasoline and diesel models. Additionally, further reductions are anticipated during the Games when combined with Toyota's other advanced mobility products and/or electrified vehicles, including the unique versions of vehicles or vehicles designed for use at the Games.

Furthermore, to help avoid collisions and reduce/mitigate potential damage or injury, all of the commercially-available vehicles for staff transportation support will come equipped with Toyota's preventative safety technologies, including “Toyota Safety Sense.” Additionally, nearly all the commercially-available vehicles will also be equipped with Intelligent Clearance Sonar (ICS), designed to assist with braking in the event of unintended misapplication of the acceleration pedal.

Aside from the official fleet, Toyota will also support Games operations with other vehicles, including the mass-transit Fuel Cell Bus “Sora”, assistive vehicles that help lift passengers into their seats or are equipped with an attached slope to allow passengers with wheelchairs access to enter the vehicle via the back door, and other vehicles such as Fuel Cell Forklifts made and sold by Toyota Industries Corporation.

Toyota’s three main pillars for Tokyo 2020 center on:
  • Mobility for All, or allowing all people the freedom to move
  • Sustainability, centering on the realization of a hydrogen society (environment/safety)
  • Transportation support for the Games using the Toyota Production System (TPS). 
  • With these three pillars, Toyota aims to provide mobility solutions that go beyond the traditional provision of vehicles.
These Will be the Toyotas You Will See at the 2020 Olympics Reviewed by Kimramos on August 26, 2019 Rating: 5 As a worldwide partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Toyota Motor Corporation announced that they’ll be providing a full line-up of e...

[Toyota Corporate][carousel1]

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